In the world of Viscous light is an absolute necessity. Light is needed to hold everything in place otherwise every surface is a tar like substance. The people fear to get out at night, but few managed to make this constant fear into a scientific breakthrough. You are one of the few alchemists who managed to harness the liquid shadows into medicine. But since the sovereign forbid the usage of this technique, in his own fear that the shadows inside each and everyone may liquify the people, you have to sneak out, dodge the guards and get those ingredients for your ailing customers.

Jump from rooftops to balconys over castle walls and use the different colours of light to find the shadows you need to help your people.

The colour of your light has a direct influence, if you see the shadows, which you need to find.

I am participating in the PirateSoftware GameJam 15 of July 2024 and Viscous will be my submission. This is my first game and I have little to no prior expierience with code.

Game Design Document


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This was a neat idea with shadows that are only visible in certain light. Too bad there wasn't another level or two but time is always a constraint. Good job nevertheless!

Thank you! I'm still working on it, but I kinda don't want to alter the submission until the voting has passed... I'll try to update regularly, once we're through!